Toys And Eye Safety: Not All Fun And Games
The last thing any parent wants is for their child to get an eye injury, and it’s even worse when the injury comes from a beloved toy.
The last thing any parent wants is for their child to get an eye injury, and it’s even worse when the injury comes from a beloved toy.
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again… taking care of your body is synonymous to taking care of your eyes!
Lucky for you, it may be high time for a new pair of shades!
by Drew Whitehead, O.D. Choosing the perfect new shades can be difficult, here are 5 steps to make it easier. 1. UV Protection This is the most important aspect of sunglasses because it protects the health of your eyes Sunglasses should block 99-100% of UV-A and UV-B radiation. Most every pair of sunglasses has some […]
Accidents always seem to happen when we least expect them.
Choosing a pair of glasses is an important decision! We want to help you make sure those carefully chosen frames of yours are just as carefully taken care of.
by Drew Whitehead, O.D. With summer time fast approaching, temperatures are starting to soar and so is the sunshine. As an eyecare practicioner, I commonly get asked about ultraviolet (UV) light and its effects on the eye. So here is a quick breakdown: What is Ultraviolet light? Ultraviolet light is a type of electromagnetic radiation […]
Many of us spend a good portion of our day looking at a computer screen—some averaging as much as 10 hours of screen time per day!
This is a question we love getting: “What does that big, space helmet-looking thing actually do anyway?”
by Drew Whitehead, O.D. It’s a beautiful day, you walk into your optometrist’s office full of anticipation. You are finally going to have an answer as to why you notice so much glare driving at night, and why your eyes feel the slightest bit dry and itchy all day long. You fill out your paperwork, […]